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Applications of Vsels Treatments

Autism Treatment , Anti-Aging Treatment , Heart Treatment , Diabetes Treatment , Multiple Sclerosis Treatment , Muscular Dystrophy Treatment , ALS/MND , Alzheimer’s Disease , Anemia , Arterial Hypertension , Post-cancer , Cerebral Palsy , Developmental Delay , Erectile Dysfunction , Parkinson’s Treatment , Rheumatoid Arthritis , SMA , Ulcerative Colitis Crohn’s Disease , Male Infertility , Knee Treatment

Heart Treatment

When using cell suspensions containing stem cells, syndrome of early post-treatment improvements is observed in all patients. The major manifestations of this syndrome include decreased weakness, improved overall health and appetite, normalized sleep formula, positive changes in psychoemotional sphere, such as reduced manifestation of somatic depression, improved emotional state, thinking, memory and hope for recovery. 80% of patients report gradual decrease of blood pressure, at first, taking the pre-application dose of antihypertensive drugs, but 2-4 weeks after the stem cell therapy, 45-50% of patients reduce the dose of nitrates and antihypertensive drugs. Also, in all cases observed is gradual decrease and normalization of cholesterol, triglycerides, as well as low and very low density lipoproteins levels. Almost all our patients improve rheological properties of blood that can be related to the increase in prothrombin index and prolongation of coagulation time.

Due to formation of the alternative (additional) systems of collateral vessels in the cardiac muscle, tissue trophism significantly improves, manifestations of ischemia become less expressed, frequency and intensity of angina attacks decrease, and metabolism in myocardium improves.

Improvement in overall health and better ability to work motivate patients to extend their physical activities and return to their working career. All this taken as a whole improves life quality of ischemic heart disease patients and significantly (by 35%) extends their life span.

Within 25 years, we have treated hundreds of patients with cardiovascular diseases who demonstrated different degrees of improvements reported in 87% of cases.


Diabetes Treatment

In combination with traditional treatment of type 1 diabetes, fetal stem cells (FSC) can help:

  • end the auto-aggression of cell-mediated immunity factors against β-cells;

  • prevent the destruction of β-cells that are functional at the time of the treatment;

  • restore the patient’s own β-cells and improve their functional capacity;

  • prevent diabetes-related complications affecting eyes, kidneys, peripheral nerves, and so on;

  • improve insulin-dependent tissue condition.

In type 2 treatment, fetal stem cells can help:

  • restore peripheral tissue sensitivity to insulin;

  • reduce atherogenic hyperinsulinemia;

  • decrease the production of glucose and pathologic lipids by liver cells;

  • improve the condition of arterial walls, which is vital for the prevention of atherosclerosis and complications arising from it;

  • reduce the dose of hypoglycemic medications.

Within 24 years, EmCell has treated hundreds of patients with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes, with improvements reported in 65% and 74% of cases correspondingly, such as:

  • stabilized carbohydrate metabolism, resulting in more stable blood sugar levels and a gradual decrease of HbA1C;

  • normalized blood counts;

  • longer periods of remission;

  • reduced severity and frequency of diabetes-related complications;

  • higher exercise power;

  • improved sexual capacity;

  • boosted immunity;

  • better overall life quality.

If recommendations are followed and the patient’s lifestyle is healthy, a gradual decrease in hypoglycemic medication doses is also possible.  


Diabetes Treatment for Children

Stem cell therapy is one of the most effective treatments for type 1 diabetes mellitus in children and the only one that can slow down or temporarily terminate autoimmune aggression against pancreatic beta cells. If treatment is started within 6-8 weeks after onset, it is possible to prolong “honeymoon” period, sometimes for a long period of time.    

In children, fetal stem cell therapy results in:

  • easier and better diabetes management

  • prevention of blood sugar fluctuations (no hyper- and hypoglycaemia that might cause complications at later stages)  

  • preservation of beta cell production by the pancreas (if treatment is started early after onset)

  • prevention of serious diabetes-related complication

  • immune boosting  

  • better overall health and general development  

Stem cell therapy is most effective at the early stages of diabetes. The main criterion for positive effects with diabetes is long-term management of the disease and the inhibition or prevention of complications.


Multiple Sclerosis Treatment

We offer multiple sclerosis (MS) treatment using fetal stem cells, with improvements reported in most cases. The goal of MS treatment is to terminate autoimmune aggression, that is, the internal attack against patient’s own nervous system, by disrupting the main mechanism of the disease. This, in turn, leads to the subsiding or even regression of neurological symptoms.

With MS, fetal stem cells have 2 major functions:

  • prevention of nerve cell damage: Stem cells are able to help reduce or even prevent damage caused to nerve cells. This process is called “neuroprotection.”

  • repair of damaged myelin: In MS, the protective myelin layer surrounding nerve fibers is damaged by the person’s own immune system. Specialized stem cells in the brain can generate myelin-producing cells, which facilitates the repair of myelin. This process is known as “remyelination.”

Within 25 years, Cell Therapy Center EmCell has treated hundreds of patients with different forms of MS and achieved improvements in 85% of cases.

After stem cell treatment, our patients report a number of improvements:

  • stabilized condition and the course of the disease alleviated;

  • shorter exacerbation period and longer remissions;

  • less spasticity in the extremities;

  • better gait, coordination and balance;

  • improved speech;

  • psychoemotional and cognitive improvements;

  • boosted immune system;

  • improved functioning in the heart, kidneys, liver and bowel;

  • better quality of life;

  • a chance to return to work if treatment is during the early stages of MS.


Muscular Dystrophy Treatment

We offer stem cell therapy for different types of muscular dystrophy. Fetal stem cells (FCSs) have proved to be one of the options leading not only to reduced muscle wasting but even to some regression in the main symptoms of this disease.

In the course of MD treatment with stem cells, pools of genetically healthy cells are created in the patient’s body. These cell pools are capable of producing dystrophin, which can then penetrate affected cells. Moreover, during the course of determination, differentiation, and morphogenesis, transplanted stem cells produce pools of specialized cells that the patient’s body needs, such as muscular, nervous, endothelial, and so on. Stem cell treatment offers two main kinds of result:

  • production of healthy muscle fibers: Stem cells without the genetic defect that causes MD can be delivered to a patient’s muscles, where they generate working muscle fibers to replace damaged ones.

  • reduced inflammation: In muscular dystrophy, damaged muscles become quite inflamed and this inflammation speeds up muscle degeneration. Stem cells release chemicals that reduce inflammation, slowing the progress of the disease.

MD treatment takes place at different stages of the disease, at different ages, at different levels of muscle atrophy, and at different levels of patient capacity for independent motion—bedridden, in a wheelchair, or able to walk independently.

Fetal stem cells facilitate the synthesis of dystrophin, the deficiency of which causes the disease. Our treatment helps lead to:

  • inhibition of MD progress;

  • prevention of muscle fiber destruction and the preservation of muscle power and bulk;

  • prevention of complications such as respiratory and heart failure;

  • CPK, LDH, ALT and ACT declines indicative of a reduction in muscle destruction;

  • preservation of relative activity and capacity for independent living;

  • boosted immune system;

  • better functioning of internal organs and systems;

  • overall improvement in quality of life.


ALS/MND Treatment

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS, Charkot’s disease, Charkot’s sclerosis, in English-speaking countries – Lou Gehrig’s disease), or motor neuron disease, is a progressing illness that manifests as gradual weakening and atrophy of muscles and lasts for two to five years (in very rare cases – for seven years) with 100% fatal outcome. The clinical picture is compliant with lesion of central and peripheral motor neurons that results in bulbar syndrome as well as muscular atrophy in extremities and respiratory muscles.


Major manifestations of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in patients include the following:

  • weakness;

  • muscle spasms;

  • disorders of speech and swallowing;

  • problems with keeping balance;

  • spasticity;

  • increased deep reflexes, or reflexogenic zone expansion;

  • pathological reflexes;

  • fibrillations;

  • atrophy;

  • hanging foot;

  • respiratory disorders;

  • paroxysms of involuntary laughter or cry;

  • depression.


ALS Treatment

Indications for ALS treatment with stem cells include confirmed ALS diagnosis, disease progression, and lack of response to existing treatment methods. Prior to year 2000, contraindications to treatment included respiratory failure, grade III, artificial lung ventilation, dysphagia, and presence of gastric stoma. However, nowadays Cell Therapy Center EmCell has experience of treating patients with the above-mentioned complications and disorders that allows for prolonging their life by more than five years.

After fetal stem cells therapy, 67% of ALS patients note diminishing weakness, improvement of appetite and mood, decrease in intensity of fasciculations and spasticity. Within two months after treatment, increase of motion volume in extremities, decrease in muscular rigidity, normalization of reflexes, decrease in the number of fasciculation zones, better tolerability of daily chores, reduction in intensity of dysphagia and dysarthria (improvement of swallowing, articulation, and clarity in pronunciation of words) have been observed in 34% of patients. Stable positive clinical effect after treatment persists for three to six months.

About 48% of patients need to repeat the course of treatment during the year for retaining the attained positive results. In 25% of cases, patients need periodic injections of stem cells every 1.5–2 years. 

Application of fetal stem cells does not combat the immediate cause of the disease (to date, the exact cause of disease has not been found); however, it exerts substantial influence on links of the pathological process and slows down disease progression. Fetal stem cells therapy improves the quality of life of ALS patients and their ability to work, and prolongs their life.


Alzheimer’s Disease Treatment

Treatment of Alzheimer patients with stem cells helps to gradually restore many specific brain functions. Positive results of therapy are observed in all cases. Application of fetal stem cells completely hinders further development of the disease in 75% of patients, or at least substantially slows down progressive deterioration of brain functions.

The most evident and stable effects of treatment (up to 90% cases) are achieved at initial stages of the disease when first neurological and mental symptoms occur. Positive results are also observed in patients with organic brain lesion (atrophy of frontoparietal lobes).

In cases of pronounced mental disorders, treatment effects resolve themselves to improvement of the quality of life (overall condition, sleep, appetite, normalization of body weight).

In patients with Alzheimer disease, two (sometimes three) courses of treatment are recommended during the first year, and then one course in 1–2 years to maintain and enhance the results. 


Anemia Treatment

Anemia is a disease related to a decrease in the total amount of red blood cells (erythrocytes) or hemoglobin in the blood that causes decline in the level of oxygen carried from lungs to tissues. Since all human cells require oxygen for life, different degrees of anemia can have a wide range of clinical consequences.

Anemia is the most common blood disorder, affecting about a third of the global population. Three main types of anemia are due to excessive blood loss, increased red blood cell destruction (hemolysis) or impaired red blood cell production (non-effective hematopoiesis).

There are many causes of anemia as well as methods of its treatment. We offer a highly effective fetal stem cell treatment for anemia that addresses and impacts the pathogenetic component of the disease.

Stem cell therapy proved to be effective in treatment of primary and secondary anemia, including aplastic and hereditary anemias. An indication for fetal stem cells administration in patients with an anemic syndrome is lack of response to standard treatment methods.

While pharmacological therapy is mainly aimed at stimulating the patient’s damaged bone marrow, and substitutive blood transfusions address red blood cell deficiency, stem cell therapy focuses on applying cells of erythropoietic series, or erythrocyte precursors, which increases the pool of cells responsible for hematopoies in the patient’s body. The number of erythrocytes and the levels of haemoglobin grow, which leads to significant improvement in patient’s quality of life and reduction in number and dosage of medications taken.  

Positive results of fetal stem cell therapy have been observed in treatment of anemia of various aetiology. They are especially demonstrative in cases of severe aplastic anemia. In all cases, high haemoglobin levels persisted for many years after 1 –2 courses of fetal stem cell treatment. The patients experienced no need for undergoing regular treatment at hospital haematology departments. No other existing methods are capable of yielding such results.

Stem cell therapy for patients with sickle cell anemia helps to reduce the frequency of crises, to soothe their course, as well as decrease the need for repeated transfusions of packed red cells that are associated not only with the well-known risks, but also are very stressful for the patient.

In case of hereditary anemias, stem cell therapy also has many benefits for the patient, but treatment effects decrease with time and successive courses of stem cell treatment are necessary.


Arterial Hypertension Treatment

According to medical statistics, arterial hypertension, or elevated blood pressure, is the main cause of death all over the world along with cerebral atherosclerosis. We offer stem cell therapy in a combined treatment of arterial hypertension aimed at improving the condition of arterial walls and blood pressure stabilization.

Patients with primary arterial hypertension with frequent arterial crises receive fetal stem cells of ectodermal and mesenchymal origin. Stem cells administered into recipient’s body get into the cardiac muscle and produce various biologically active substances, such as growth factors, cytokines, etc., which results in improved heart functioning. Under the influence of the microenvironment, mesenchymal stem cells develop into a phenotype of cardiomyocytes. Pre-neuronal stem cells normalize nervous vascular control resulting in crisis prevention. That is why cell therapy can be used to restore the functional properties of the heart muscle.

Prior to treatment, continuous hypotensive therapy regimen is selected; that allows for preventing hypertensive crises, and diastolic pressure stabilizes at the level no higher than 90 mm Hg.

Stem cell therapy allows to completely restore the integrity of the vascular tissues, their elasticity, conductivity and strength at the biological level. It has the following positive effects in treatment of arterial hypertension:

  • vascular system improvement: stem cells begin to produce angiogenic and anti-inflammatory factors;

  • partial replacement of destroyed or damaged cells;

  • improved cerebral vessel functioning and cardiac blood supply;

  • increased elasticity and permeability of blood vessels;

  • improved delivery of oxygen and nutritional elements to all organs and tissues—brain, heart, liver, kidneys—due to better blood flow.

Within 3–5 months after fetal stem cell therapy, all patients demonstrate stable decline in blood pressure and reduction of hypotensive therapy by approximately 50%. 

All patients note positive treatment effects such as disappearance of headache, stabiliziation and normalization of blood pressure and sleep, improved mental ability and sexual potency (both in men and women), return of vivacity – signs of rejuvenation.

Thus, stem cell therapy improves the condition of the vascular system of the human body. Full disclosure of stem cells’ regenerative potential usually occurs within 2-3 months after treatment. To intensify the effects of cell therapy, patients are advised to improve lifestyle, get rid of bad habits, decrease intake of salt and start exercising.


Post-cancer Treatment

Stem cell treatment is not an alternative to standard protocols of treating cancer. Stem cell therapy is possible only after surgery and/or traditional chemo- and/or radiotherapy, in case they are indicated to the patient.

We accept for treatment patients with stabilized condition proved by results of instrumental and laboratory findings – there should be no primary tumor growth or new metastasis formation.

As conventional cancer treatment has many side effects, stem cell treatment is aimed mainly at:

  • Partial restoration of anti-tumor immunity and haemopoesis;

  • Improvement in patient’s quality of life – reduced weakness, better overall condition, both physical and psycho-emotional.

During the first month after stem cell treatment, our patients may observe the following effects:

  • improved overall condition and appetite;

  • diminished weakness and sweating;

  • increased capacity to work and self-care ability;

  • better emotional status, cognitive abilities and memory.

Within one to two months after fetal stem cells treatment, other positive effects develop (some of them translate into improved laboratory findings), in particular:

  • improved haemopoesis;

  • improved immunological profile;

  • reduced levels of inflammatory markers;

  • higher quality of life.

Fetal stem cell therapy contributes to formation of anti-tumor immunity, which is crucial for preventing relapse and metastatic process. However, stem cell treatment is possible only after traditional treatment.


Cerebral Palsy Treatment

We offer stem cell therapy for cerebral palsy.

Stem cell therapy has been used for the treatment of cerebral palsy for 25 years, and over the last 4 years EmCell has treated more than 53 children with CP with positive results reported by more than 90% of parents.

The main stem cell treatment results include:

  • replacement of lost brain cells;

  • repair or protection of damaged nerve cells.

Fetal stem cell treatment helps to limit the damage to cells in the brain and makes the symptoms of cerebral palsy more manageable.

A combination of routine methods and stem cell therapy leads to a number of improvements:

  • reduction of hypertonicity in extremities;

  • improved balance;

  • increased mental development, such as patience, interest in external things, concentration, memory, and learning ability;

  • normalized function of internal organs;

  • better social adaptation;

  • easier care for the child.

Stem cell therapy is used to directly augment the regenerative abilities of an injured brain. It opens new opportunities in treating cerebral palsy. The grafted stem cells are able to ameliorate severe injury-related neurological defects.

Stem cell therapy is a very powerful driver, and the best results are reported in combination with physiotherapy and occupational therapy to improve movement and mobility, and speech therapy to improve communication skills.


Developmental Delay

We offer stem cell treatment for different types of developmental delays.

Developmental delay is the failure of a child to meet certain developmental milestones, such as sitting, walking and talking, at the average age. Developmental delays may indicate a problem in the development of the central nervous system. The child’s mental development is delayed, leading to poor motor and communication skills. Such children catch up to standard development milestones later than normal children.

Our clinic opened 25 years ago and has treated a large number of children from all over the world. Improvements were reported in most cases.

For optimal effect, it is important to start stem cell treatment with your child as early as possible, while the brain is still developing.

Combined treatment involving routine therapy and stem cells results in a number ofimprovements:

  • cognitive improvements;

  • easier contact with the child, starting with eye contact;

  • improved verbal skills. If the child was non-verbal, it is very likely to start making sounds, produce syllables and eventually pronounce words; verbal children are likely to expand their vocabulary;

  • better learning capacity;

  • improved information processing, such as memory, including memorization and storage, information processing and recall;

  • greater self-confidence. Child feels more protected, less vulnerable, and exposure to the environment does not cause negative emotions;

  • improved social adaptation;

  • better self-care skills;

  • boosted immunity.


Erectile Dysfunction Treatment

Erectile dysfunction is inability to maintain erection sufficient for coitus for 3 months and longer.  It can be caused by both psychological and somatic (urologic, endocrine, vascular and neurologic diseases) factors.  In 50% of cases, both factors are present.

Fetal stem cell therapy results in:

  • psycho-emotional and general health improvement

  • better sleep

  • hormonal balance

  • improvement of artery wall quality and vasomotor tone

  • immune system regulation

  • body regeneration potential stimulation

  • better tissue quality

which ensures optimal condition for sexual activity and libido improvement. 

In order to solve the problem in the most effective way, collaboration of the patient and the doctors is needed. Only sincere and straight talk about all the problems will help to adjust our clinical protocol to meet all the patient’s needs. 

Diagnostics include:

  • history collection and study

  • filling the forms

  • examination

  • laboratory tests (testosterone, lipid profile, blood sugar etc.)

  • instrumental examination

  • specific examinations

Our diagnostic and treatment program lasts for 5 days (as a rule, Monday-Friday) and includes:

  • Laboratory tests and instrumental examinations.

  • Multidisciplinary case management team meeting for treatment strategy development.

  • Medicinal correction of metabolic, hormonal, vascular, sleep etc. problems.

  • Sexual function stimulation through physical therapy.

  • Administration of fetal cell suspensions.

  • Final recommendations of multidisciplinary case management team.

  • Follow-up after the treatment.

Integrated method of erectile dysfunction treatment results in normal sexual life in 83% of men within 3 months after the treatment.  35% of them do not use additional medications, and 48% use minimal doses of medicines. 


Parkinson’s Treatment

Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a degenerative disorder of the central nervous system characterized by different neurological disturbances related to motor skills, balance, psychoemotional disturbances, cognitive impairment and social behavioral disorders. PD is a progressive disorder: with time the condition of the sufferer tends to gradually aggravate. PD incidence doesn’t depend on sex or race, social status or place of residence. Despite the prevailing opinion that PK is a disorder involving elderly people, the average age of PD diagnosis is 57 years. However, 10% of the diseased are people under 40. With the increase of life span and average age of the population the incidence of PD is expected to rise.

The symptoms of PD mainly result from degeneration of dopaminergic neurons – neurons of the brain that produce and accumulate dopamine. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter, i.e. chemical serving to relay electric impulses from neurons, and a hormone. Dopamine deficit results in impaired transmission of nervous impulses, thus causing such distinctive PD symptoms as tremor of hands and legs, jaws, facial muscles, slowed movements, muscle stiffness, difficulties to initiate a movement and keep balance. Losing expressed mimicry, PD patients can seem apathic (indifferent). Speech can become slurred and monotonous. Other PD symptoms include depression, anxiety, dementia (weakness of mind), difficulties in chewing and swallowing, appetite disturbances, hypersalivation, and bowel and urinary bladder disorders. Not all the above PD symptoms develop in each PD case.

The causes of PD have not been defined. Common causes of Parkinson’s diseases include combination of several factors, in particular:

  • aging. Age-related decrease of neurons number in the brain can be one of the PD causes;

  • genetics;

  • some toxins and chemicals. Described were several severe PD cases in young drug addicts who consumed synthetic heroin.

Other causes of PD include cerebral atherosclerosis, head trauma, tumours, virus infections, etc.

Due to commonly slow progression, Parkinson’s disease at its early stages can be difficult to diagnose for several years. Typically, at the initial stage of Parkinson’s disease patients complain of some rigidity in the extremities, decreased joint flexibility, difficulty in walking and performing active movements. It is worth noting that PD progresses more rapidly in those who developed it at younger age.

Depending on how PD progresses at the advanced stages, the quality of PD sufferers’ life can significantly deteriorate. In severe disorders, such as disturbed swallowing or total immobilization and in case of impropriate nursing, such concomitant problems as respiratory disturbances, secondary infection, etc., can develop. In average, Parkinson’s disease cuts down the life expectancy by 3-9 years.


At stages I-III, when uni- and bilateral manifestations of the disease are observed, such as balance disturbances, tremor, mild and moderate rigidity, etc., administration of fetal stem cells is effective in 85% of cases. After the treatment, patients report improvement of stiffness, decrease in shaking while walking and tremor. The dose of antiparkinson drugs can be lowered.

At stage IV (severe stiffness, but the patient still can walk or stand unassisted), stem cell treatment is effective in 65-70% of Parkinson’s disease cases. At stage V (bed- or wheelchair-bound), our therapy helps to improve patient’s quality of life and ease care for the patient due to decreased spasticity and tremor syndrome and improved sleep, normalization of organ and system functioning (heart, lungs, bowels).

In 100% of cases, Parkinson's treatment with fetal stem cells results in psychoemotional improvements. After the stem cell treatment, patients demonstrate positive emotions, improved thinking, more expressive, intelligible and louder speech, and more persistent memory and intellect.


Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment

Application of stem cells allows for achieving conspicuous positive results in treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Indications for fetal stem cell therapy in patients with rheumatoid arthritis are as follows:

  • rheumatoid arthritis resistant to standard treatment;

  • ineffective anti-inflammatory drug therapy, including glucocorticoids and cytostatics;

  • marked decrease in functional capacity of joints;

  • trophic disturbances of the musculoskeletal system (complications of rheumatoid arthritis);

  • considerable deviations of immunologic and hemopoetic parameters.

For treating patients with seropositive, seronegative rheumatoid arthritis of activity grades I–III, with joint functional insufficiency of grades I–III, fetal stem cells of mesodermal, ectodermal, and endodermal origin are used.

As early as within the first days after therapy, the early post-treatemnt improvement syndrome is observed in all patients: diminishing weakness, increased motion activity, normalization of sleep, improved appetite.

Within three months after therapy, inflammatory process activity decreases: morning stiffness, joint tenderness and edema diminish, Ritchie’s index decreases, patients’ functional capacity improves; ESR decreases or returns to normal; C-reactive protein levels and rheumatoid factor titer decline; CD3+, CD8+, and NK lymphocyte count is restored.

In most cases (85%), complete discontinuation or considerable dose reduction of glucocorticoids and non-steroidal inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) had been achieved. According to X-ray data, no progression of joint damage is observed in 72% of patients.

In 80% patients it was possible to achieve remission along with better quality of life. Remission lasted from six months to three years. Experience shows that clinical remission starts well before improvement of laboratory parameters. In case of unfavourable clinical course of rheumatoid arthritis, repeated injections of fetal stem cells are carried out.


SMA Treatment

Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a genetically heterogeneous group of hereditary neurologic diseases and one of the types of motor neuron illness. Motor neurons are nervous cells of the spinal cord that set in motion the muscles necessary for executing motor functions of the human body.

The underlying mechanism of this disease is related to progressive degeneration of motor neurons located in anterior horns of the spinal cord, and in some cases – to motor nuclei of the brain stem. Every patient with SMA has a mutation in the survival motor neuron gene, producing a protein that is important for the normal functioning of motor neurons. Absence of this protein leads to atrophy of nervous cells, diminishing of their sizes and death resulting in muscle weakness.

Clinical symptoms of SMA are the following:

  • flaccid paresis and atrophy of striated muscles;

  • fasciculations (more often in adults with disease progression);

  • symmetric lesion of proximal muscles of extremities, less frequently distal amyotrophy, bulbar syndrome, and asymmetric muscle lesion;

  • problems with swallowing and suction in infants;

  • lesion of respiratory muscles that increases proneness to respiratory illnesses (pneumonia and other lung diseases);

  • spine deflection.

We have positive experience of treatment of acquired and genetic diseases affecting spinal motor neurons. Treatment with stem cell allows for attaining remission in 75% of cases, and for diminishing neurogenic dystrophy manifestations in SMA patients in 92% of cases.


Ulcerative Colitis Crohn’s Disease Treatment

We use fetal cell suspensions containing stem cells, in comprehensive treatment of patients with nonspecific ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. Administration of fetal stem cells is effective in cases of both acute and chronic forms of nonspecific inflammatory bowel diseases of all severity grades, including severe course.

Indications for use of fetal stem cells are as follows:

  • progressing disease unresponsive to conservative therapy for 2 weeks;

  • presence of extraenteric complications;

  • impossibility to carry out surgical intervention due to patient’s severe condition resulting from anemia, hypoproteinemia, profound metabolic disorders;

  • exhaustion;

  • difficulty finding the same blood group for transfusion, or same group incompatibility between a donor and a recipient detected through compatibility testing.

The table below presents main clinical criteria of treatment efficacy based on 16 years of experience in patients with nonspecific ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease.

After the stem cell treatment, red blood cell count is restored and the haemoglobin level is normalized in patients. Application of fetal stem cells restores immunocompetency and hinders the progression of an autoimmune process (mechanism of development of the illness), allowing to attain prolonged remission. Remission in patients with nonspecific ulcerative colitis lasts, on the average, for 12–15 months, and in patients with Crohn’s disease – for up to 2.5–3 years.


Male Infertility Treatment

A developed and successfully implemented a new method of improvement and restoration of fertility function in men using fetal stem cells. About 50% of our patients have solved their problems of male infertility.

The usage of stem cell technologies in treatment of infertility in men influences in different causes of this problem, such as blood vessels, hormonal, metabolic problem or inflammation. Using this technology, we can achieve positive effects in those clinical cases, which were non-prospective in view of traditional options of therapy.   

After stem cell treatment in EmCell clinic, the following improvements of fertility function might be expected in our patients:

  • Higher amount of sperms in ejaculate, or patients can even start producing sperms in cases with confirmed azoospermia;

  • Better sperms motility;

  • Increase in the amount of morphologically mature (non-defective) sperms in ejaculate;

  • Decrease, or complete elimination of inflammatory changes in ejaculate;

  • Increased duration of relapse-free period in men with inflammation of male reproductive system (compared to traditional therapy); 

  • Improvement of erectile function.

Our results in restoration of male fertility consist in increasing amount of “active” sperms in ejaculate during 6 months after fetal stem cells therapy, reported in almost 50% of cases.

35% of patients had successful in vitro fertilization (IVF) and 6% of patients reached fertilization by means of natural sexual intercourse.


Knee Treatment

Stem cell therapy is a novel and effective approach to the treatment of knee joints arthritis based on the unique ability of stem cells to restore the cartilage and the structure of knee joint.

Stem cells are the source of chondroblasts and chondrocytes, responsible for the formation and restoration of extracellular matrix of cartilage.

Since fetal stem cells show full immune histocompatibility, such therapy helps to achieve quite fast improvements without any kind of immune suppression.

There are three types of knee joints arthritis:

  • Stage 1 – possible spurs, light narrowing of articular cavity.

  • Stage 2 – present spurs, light narrowing of articular cavity.

  • Stage 3 – moderate spurs, possible deformity of the bones, exact narrowing of articular cavity.

After intra articular or para articular injections of fetal stem cells patients can expect for the following improvements, depending on the stage of knee joints damage:

  • Stage 1 – restoration of articular structures because of increased amount of chondrocytes.

  • Stage 2 – Slowing down of degenerative changes, decreasing of pain syndrome and improved the mobility in the joint.

  • Stage 3 – postponing of surgical treatment, slowing down of degenerative changes and elimination of pain syndrome.

Repeated injections of fetal stem cells proved to induce accumulative effect and can maintain the positive results of treatment of the joints.

The most optimal method for the injections is based on the results of X-Ray study. After the procedure each patient is recommended to avoid extensive physical activity. Over 1 week after the injections to the joint, the patient can come back to usual activity of daily life.

The first positive changes can be seen over several days. Such advantages are related to anti-inflammatory properties of biologically active substances, which are the part of stem cell suspension we inject.

The main improvements, caused by increased amount of chondrocytes and much intense formation of extracellular matrix can be seen over 2-3 months.

The results can last for 1-2 years, if each patient follows all recommendations from the treating doctor.


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